
This privacy notice provides information about the ways in which “Killaloe” collects, stores, shares or keeps personal information provided by our customers.

The “Killaloe” collects data from our customers to conduct various businesses that we operate.

Using our websites

Our websites use cookies as outlined in our cookie policy.

Search engine

The search facility on our website is an internal search function and only returns information that appears on the website.

Online Booking

For certain products and services, such as purchasing tickets for our special events, we offer online booking systems on our event websites. We store customer information within the on-line booking systems for 5 years as outlined in our Data Retention Register.  We will always request active consent for marketing purposes.

Calling our Reservations

Killaloe does collect Calling Landline Identification (CLI) for reporting purposes. We may record or retain phone conversations for training and quality purposes.

 Emailing us

 Any emails sent to us are recorded and forwarded to the relevant section. The sender’s email address will remain visible to all staff tasked with dealing with the query. Please be aware that it is the sender’s responsibility to ensure that the content of their emails is within the bounds of the law. Unsolicited material of a criminal nature will be reported to the relevant authorities and blocked.

Guest Feedback

“Killaloe” receives guest feedback verbally, in written letters, by email and on social media platforms.  All guest feedback can be directed to the general managers:




Feedback not received on email, will be transferred to our email platform.

Guest feedback will be distributed internally by the general managers for the following purposes:

  • To share the feedback internally to motivate staff
  • To follow up on guest feedback where further action is required.
  • Customer data will only be shared on a necessity basis if an investigation is required.

Once all further actions are completed, the files will be kept by the General Manager for a period of 3 years.

Retention periods

The information you share with us when using our services; will be kept by “Killaloe” in alignment with our Data Retention Register.  We will store guest profiles for 5 years.   


 As far as possible, we will not disclose personal data without consent. However, when we receive guest feedback we may need to share personal information with the other parties concerned. We will not disclose your personal data to third parties except in instances where an individual has consented to the disclosure, or we are obliged by law to disclose the data. Third parties to whom we may disclose information include organisations such as An Garda Síochána.